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Understanding the need for Career Consulting
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Understanding the Growing Need for Career Consulting in Today’s Job Market

Welcome back we have seen many blogs on career, IT industry, recruitment, and more. Ultimately the bottom line of a perfect life is to get the right job that suits your talent and interest. Now in this context what are the odds that need to be known?


As a child, we had a teacher to guide us. The transition from school to university had a counseling session and you choose what degree you wanted to pursue and you had a mentor out there too. So far so good. Now after this is the most important part of your life. The schooling and university were to provide basic education and knowledge on how to pursue your life. It was a place where you learned and realized your interest and talent. Now most of them know by then what they really like and want to be in the future. So these are the ones who are successful because they pursued a career that is of interest to them.

consulting career

Now there are 2 more types of people – one who has no clue what they want to do further, and the other is niched between a few talents that they know and are not sure what they really is their talent acquisition. These are the people who need help in deciding what they want. The first type will be adaptable because they are clueless and will rise and shine if they get a good job with a good mentor. A large percentage of the people in the world are niched between talents. Most of them are driven by situations in life to adapt to one talent and forced to stick to that job. In a survey conducted by over 2000 IT staff, the results showed that they are happy with the pay and work-life balance but personally, 40% of the people do not have job satisfaction due to a clash in their talent. About 30% of the people were unhappy due to improper work-life balance. Why is this happening and what was wrong, is the big question?

Let’s see another side to it. As I mentioned earlier that all the way from schooling up to university you were told and mentored on what to do. After a university degree, you are on your own to decide on what career to choose. This is where it starts and the hassle continues for the rest of your life. Why did you not have a mentor here to choose the right job for the right talent Because you are a grown-up and believed to be certain about what you need to pursue. But it is a crucial decision to choose your career and you need to consult or have an expert mentorship in this aspect. For those of you who are still in dilemma about whether you are on the right path, you need to get a consulting to understand better. Consulting is required to understand your talents better and to realize those small mistakes that you might have overlooked in your career selection. Talent acquisition/IT staff augmentation are crucial part of a company’s success and many It organizations outsource their process to IT recruitment agencies, which do a good job at staffing, recruitment, and consulting.

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